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    Finnish timber trade keeps prices high in July, indicating stabilization.

    In July, the Finnish wood trade maintained high prices, with delivery sales continuing to increase, though standing sale prices stopped rising.

    Timber trade volumes in July were 50% above the 5-year average.

    From January to July, volumes were 6% higher than last year and 19% above the 5-year average.

    Spruce logs in standing sales averaged just under €83 per m³, and pine logs were close to €80.

    Pulpwood prices in standing sales held steady, with spruce above €34 and birch and pine around €33 per m³, up 24-28% from 2023.

    Delivery sales of pulpwood kept rising, with spruce near €53 and birch and pine just below €52 per m³, showing a 2-3% increase from June and standing 10-14% higher than last year.

    Despite the usual summer slowdown, July's timber trade volumes were still much higher than usual, doubling compared to July last year and 50% above the 5-year average.

    Logs traded from January to July were 22% higher than the five-year average, while pulpwood trades were up by 11%.

    In June, Finland’s roundwood harvest increased by 4%, though it was still below the 5-year average, and pulpwood imports dropped by 38% in H1 2024, while wood chip imports grew by 4%.
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