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Cotton Australia sees new cotton crop of exceptional quality.

2023-07-06 02:00 Textile Raw materials market
Cotton Australia has announced after harvesting 85 percent of new cotton crops the feedback from both ginners and growers is encouraging indicating better-than-expected yield and, in some cases, “exceptional quality”, despite challenges.

The results from cotton fields were surprising as severe flooding impacted Queensland where cotton is grown. The flooding in late 2022 affected many growing areas and caused crop and infrastructure damage. However, conditions improved from the beginning of 2023 as the weather become unexpectedly warmer. It was a boost for the cotton crop.

An official of Cotton Australia’s indications is that the 2022-2023 crop may just fall short of the previous season’s 5.6 million bales, a record figure. He said the quality of crops ginned so far is exceptionally high. He said the lint is white and clean and the fiber is of good strength and length.

The official further revealed that many ginners consider Australian cotton as the best value from the point of view of quality and also because of lower transportation costs and turnaround times. He claimed that Australia sells each bale of cotton it grows. He said the global demand is expected to improve with the improvement of economic conditions. It will also increase the demand for Australian cotton.