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German exports to non-EU countries value reaches €59.4 bn in 2023.

2023-06-23 02:00 BUSINESS & TRADE Textile
Trade officers not keen to discourage foreign export buyers

In May 2023, German exports to non-European Union (EU) countries, also known as third countries, rose by 1.0 percent from the previous month, as per provisional data. Following seasonal and calendar adjustments, the value of exported goods reached €59.4 billion.

The increase in exports marks a 1.5 percent rise compared to the same month the previous year. The uplift in May’s exports suggests a steady growth trend, indicative of Germany’s solid performance in international trade, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said in a press release.

However, the original value of these exports, without any adjustments, was €59.1 billion. This represents a decrease of 2.3 percent from the same month a year earlier.

The value of goods exported for April 2023 totaled €56.5 billion after calendar and seasonal adjustments.

Last May, Russia ranked 16th among Germany’s most important export destinations outside the EU. In February 2022, a month before it invaded Ukraine, Russia was in fifth place.